Slope stabilization is to increase the stability of a slope. One of the techniques used to stabilize the slope is soil nailing. This project, located in Cameron Highlands have three sites which is UJ 10, UJ 12, and SAB 2. Prior to the start of soil nailing, the slope surfaces must be prepared by removing any loose soil and weak materials. The next step involves setting out the positions of the soil nails according to the construction drawing and any changes will be adjust depends on the site conditions. These nails are inserted into pre-drilled holes in the slope and then secured with grout. The grout mixture used in this project are cement, water, and the admixture SIKA. Six (6) numbers of test cubes (size 100mm x 100mm x 100mm) shall be taken per one grouting operation for testing purpose. Three (3) test cubes shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining cubes at 28 days after casting. The characteristic strength of the grout shall be 21 N/mm² and 30 N/mm² at 7 days and 28 days.
A pull-out test was conducted to ensure a sufficient safety factor and that the nail design load could be applied without causing excessive movement. There were two types of pull-out tests which is verification tests and performance tests. The verification test was conducted before the construction of the soil nails, with a test load equal to twice the working load. Then, 28 days after grouting the soil nails, the performance test was carried out. The number of performance tests to be conducted on site should be at least 2% of the total number of working soil nails, with a test load of 1.5 times the working load. The pull-out test was conducted in two cycles for each point referring to BS 8081:1989.
This slope also required guniting to protect it from water seepage, which could weaken the slope. Before the guniting work, mesh reinforcement was installed at the designated slope areas. Additionally, horizontal drains, interceptor drains, and cascade drains were constructed in this project to manage and direct drainage water, allowing it to flow safely along the slope.